(Formerly known as Icodex Publishing Solutions Pvt.Ltd)

(Formerly known as Icodex Publishing Solutions Pvt.Ltd)

(Formerly known as Icodex Publishing Solutions Pvt.Ltd)

Investors Overview

Key Contact Information

The Company Secretary & Compliance Officer 

Mohini Ajay Talhar

Email: cs@icodexsolutions.com

Telephone : +91 8856907928

Address: 102, First Floor, Suman Business Park, Kalyani Nagar, Viman Nagar,
Pune, Maharashtra, India, 411014

Chief Financial Officer

Vaibhav Ashok Rupnar

Email: cfo@icodexsolutions.com

Telephone : (020) 45012988

Address: 102, First Floor, Suman Business Park, Kalyani Nagar, Viman Nagar,
Pune, Maharashtra, India, 411014

Registrar & Transfer Agent

Cameo Corporate Services Ltd

Contact Person: K. Sreepriya

Email: ipo@cameoindia.com

Telephone : +91 44 40020700/ 28460390

Address: 102, First Floor, Suman Business Park, Kalyani Nagar, Viman Nagar,
Pune, Maharashtra, India, 411014

Investor FAQs

What is your company's area of operations?

We at iCodex build publishing products and software to help publishers all across the globe. Our team has extensive experience working with world-renowned publishing houses, which puts us in a unique position to partner with major companies in the publishing business and build technology-based solutions that help them do more and do better.  

iCodex focuses on adding higher value to our customer’s businesses. We are your all-inclusive service provider—from manuscript preparation to print and digital content distribution, we can do it all.  

Our mission is to be the partner of choice for publishers, service providers, and educational institutions by helping them publish quality content consistently to meet customers’ growing needs using innovative technologies. We aim to make high-quality technology accessible to every stakeholder in the publishing ecosystem to deliver consistent quality. 

When was your company founded?

The company was originally incorporated on 28th May 2018. 

What is the employee strength of your company?

Our employee strength varies between 100 and 120, depending on the operational and project requirements. We maintain a dynamic and skilled workforce to meet the demands of our clients efficiently. 

Where is your company located?

The company operates primarily from Pune, Maharashtra. 

What is the address of your registered office?

102, First Floor, Suman Business Park, Kalyani Nagar, Viman Nagar, Pune-411014, Maharashtra, India. 

When does your financial year end?

Financial year-end details are typically 31st March, as per standard practice in India unless otherwise stated. 

What is your revenue and net income for the recently concluded quarter and year?

Based on the audited financial statements for the period ended 30 September 2024: 
– Revenue from Operations: INR 1,084.36 lakhs 
– Other Income: INR 7.43 lakhs 
– Total Income: INR 1,091.79 lakhs 
– Net Profit (Profit for the period): INR 432.56 lakhs 

Who are your auditors?

JMMK & Co., Chartered Accountants 
B10, Western Edge II, Off Western Express Highway, Behind Metro Cash & Carry 
Borivali (E), Mumbai – 400066 
Telefax: 022-40101784 
Email: info@jmkco.inÂ